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San Bernardino County

Sheriff's Department



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Get Connected, Get Answers

211 San Bernardino County is your one-stop connection to thousands of community services through a toll-free 3-digit phone number, an online database and directory, and a 24-hour call center staffed by highly trained specialists. Dialing 2-1-1 is a confidential call with live, bilingual staff to assist callers 24 hours a day. If you are outside the area or dialing 2-1-1 doesn’t work at your place of business, you can always use 888-435-7565 instead


America's Poverty Fighting Network

CAPSBC is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit serving San Bernardino County since 1965. CAPSBC works with our low-income communities by supporting, advocating for and empowering low-income residents to achieve self-reliance and economic stability.

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live.  We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

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Housing and Homeless Prevention

By order of the Board of Supervisors in September 2007, the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership (SBCHP) was formed to provide a more focused approach to issues of homelessness within the County. The Partnership consists of community and faith-based organizations, educational institutions, non profit organizations, private industry, and federal, state, and local governments.

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Building Communities, Changing Lives

Established in 1941, the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (HACSB) is the largest provider of affordable housing, serving nearly 30,000 individuals and families, throughout the County of San Bernardino. As a public agency, HACSB is tasked to address the local housing needs throughout the County; therefore, HACSB works aggressively with various community partners and local government officials to acquire, build, and manage more high quality housing.

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"Doing the Most Good"

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 43.1 million Americans live in poverty, and millions more live near the poverty line. Approximately half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and one-third of adults between 18 and 64 live in low-income households.

The Salvation Army operates more than 7,500 centers in communities across the United States, each of which collects high-quality data on a wide variety of poverty-related social services. The first multi-dimensional measure of human need based on objective data from a nonprofit on the front lines of providing social services, the Human Needs Index serves as a powerful tool to track basic human need, with different indicators and less lag time than conventional government data.


Energy for What's Ahead

We’re Southern California Edison. We are also looking ahead to create a 21st century power network that can handle California's changing energy needs. Sophisticated technologies will be delivering electricity more reliably than ever, keeping outages to a minimum, and facilitating our customers' choices in adopting new technologies to generate their own energy and monitoring and controlling their overall usage.


Utility Bill Aid

At SoCalGas, our commitment to provide customers with safe, reliable service goes beyond natural gas. We are also dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. We give our energy, time, financial support and focus our efforts in areas where we can make a difference.


Transforming Lives and Strengthening Business

The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board is a body of volunteers who supervise the allocation of federal funding to strengthen the skills of our local workforce. The Board is led by local business owners and includes public partners, educators, labor leadership and community-based organizations.

Our three America’s Job Centers of California offer comprehensive strategies to meet the needs of local businesses for a skilled workforce, while creating opportunities for job seekers to prepare for and enter into well paid careers.


We're Here To Listen

We envision a world where all relationships are positive, healthy, and free from violence.

We answer the call to support and shift power back to people affected by relationship abuse.

  • Integrity: We conduct every aspect of our work to the highest ethical standards and hold ourselves accountable to them. We value transparency and staunchly safeguard the confidentiality of the people we serve.

  • Thought Leadership: We are committed to learning constantly, developing innovative practices, and evolving strategies as necessary to achieve our mission and vision.

  • Excellence: We value performance and results. We always aspire to do our best and to embrace the challenge of exceeding expectations.

  • Collaboration: We work as a team within the organization and with a wide range of partners outside of it in the belief that only through these partnerships will we achieve the broadest impact.

  • Social Justice: We value diverse perspectives and strive to incorporate an anti-oppression lens in all aspects of our work.

  • Caring: We conduct our work with compassion and in the spirit of inclusion, and we meet all individuals with respect and without judgment.

  • Survivor-Centered: Our work begins and ends with the interests of survivors of relationship abuse in mind.

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Human Services

The mission of the Transitional Assistance Department is to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve by providing economic support to individuals and families. We are committed to working collaboratively to provide our services accurately and efficiently, with a high emphasis on integrity, respect and customer service.


California’s Civil Rights Agency

The Department of Fair Employment and Housing is the state agency charged with enforcing California’s civil rights laws. The mission of the DFEH is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations and from hate violence and human trafficking. 



655 East Third Street
San Bernardino, California 92415-0061

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Desert – (760) 956-5001
Valley – (909) 387-8313

© San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department 2019. County of San Bernardino. All rights reserved.

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