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San Bernardino County

Sheriff's Department




Parental Intervention Project (PIP)

Psychology is one of the largest departments at CSUSB, with 34 full-time and 20 part-time faculty, 140 graduate students, and 2700 undergraduates. The department offers two undergraduate majors – Psychology and Human Development – with two formal concentrations within Psychology – Biological Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. In addition, the department houses four master's programs: Child Development, Clinical/Counseling, Psychological Science, and Industrial/Organizational. In its annual list of America's Best Colleges, USNEWS and World Report recognizes psychology as one of CSUSB's highly respected academic departments


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (CBSS) offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in the behavioral sciences. At the undergraduate level, degrees are offered in anthropology, behavioral sciences, Christian behavioral sciences, psychology and sociology. At the graduate level, the CBSS offers a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology, a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology, a Master of Arts in Counseling Ministry, a Master of Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Master of Social Work.

The CBSS is one of the oldest and largest schools within CBU. In addition to its rich historical foundations and current strength in student enrollment, the CBSS is well known for its variety of program offerings, research and scholarship, practicum and training sites and service to the community. The Center for the Study of Human Behavior, the only facility of this kind at CBU, serves as an integral student and faculty research and training center


High School Diploma and ESL

Here at Five Keys, our goal is to restore communities through education. Our philosophy is that through social and restorative justice principles, we can provide traditionally under served communities the opportunity to restart their education, focusing on five key areas: Education, Employment, Recovery, Family, and Community.

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Detention and Corrections Bureau

The Corrections and Detentions Bureau operates the jail and work release programs for the County of San Bernardino. There are four main adult jail facilities which house inmates during their court process and inmates who have been sentenced by the court. The Bureau has 7,400 jail beds with an average daily population of 5,000 inmates. The Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement agencies book on average 85,000 people annually. The Bureau provides a variety of rehabilitation programs to help reduce recidivism and allow inmates to transition back into the community.


Support and Intervention

Children’s Network of San Bernardino County concerns itself with at-risk children who are defined as minors who, because of behavior, abuse, neglect, medical needs, educational assessment, and/or detrimental daily living situations, are eligible for services from one or more of the member agencies of the Children’s Network Policy Council. A variety of public and private agencies deliver a broad and occasionally confusing array of services to these children.
The overall goal of Children’s Network is to help at-risk children by improving communication, planning, coordination, and cooperation among youth-serving agencies.

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Wellness, Recovery, and Resilience

The County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health's website is a tool to help meet your behavioral health and substance abuse needs. This website has been created for clients, family members, organizations, and individuals to help on the journey to rehabilitation and recovery.

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Health, Wellness, and Safety

Our dedicated staff works to prevent epidemics and the spread of disease, protect against environmental hazards, prevent injuries, promote and encourage healthy behaviors, respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery, and assure the quality and accessibility of health services throughout the County.

To achieve this goal, we place a high value on strong working alliances with local community groups representing the diverse populations who live in all areas of our large County.


Assessment and Treatment

Our Mission: To protect the community through assessment, treatment, and control of adult and juvenile offenders by providing a range of effective services based on legal requirements and recognized professional standards.

The San Bernardino County Probation Department has always represented the very best of law and justice agencies throughout the state. The department supervises and provides case management services for approximately 20,000 adult offenders and 3,500 youthful offenders and an additional 500 youth in our two detention and assessment centers. We oversee the placement of over 200 juveniles in private facilities throughout the state. Our officers act as an investigative arm of the San Bernardino Superior Court and Juvenile Courts, providing sentencing reports and legal recommendations, evaluations, and victim services.

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Know Your Rights

Promoting Justice and Protecting Constitutional Rights Through Effective Representation.

Regardless of one’s economic status in society, all should have access to competent defense representation in criminal prosecutions and civil commitment proceedings.  By providing quality representation services to indigent clients, the Public Defender protects our constitutional rights from overreaching and unlawful infringements.

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Transforming Lives Through Education

San Bernardino County Regional Occupational Program (SBCSS ROP) accelerates the skill development and education of high school students and adults in the region to prepare them to be career ready, technically skilled and academically prepared. Our broad range of occupational and educational programs, coupled with employment services offer our students customized options whether pursuing a job or additional education.


Transforming Lives and Strengthening Business

The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board is a body of volunteers who supervise the allocation of federal funding to strengthen the skills of our local workforce. The Board is led by local business owners and includes public partners, educators, labor leadership and community-based organizations.

Our three America’s Job Centers of California offer comprehensive strategies to meet the needs of local businesses for a skilled workforce, while creating opportunities for job seekers to prepare for and enter into well paid careers.

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Treatment Services and Community Protection

Through expedited criminal court processing, application of intensive treatment, job-training and placement services, frequent drug testing and regular judicial supervision, defendants will be removed from the criminal justice system and become drug free, productive and responsible members of their families and of the community. It is the intent of the program to reduce incarceration, decrease recidivism, advocate for treatment services and enhance community protection.

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Serving and Honoring America's Veterans

Our vision is to provide veterans the world-class benefits and services they have earned - and to do so by adhering to the highest standards of compassion, commitment, excellence, professionalism, integrity, accountability, and stewardship



655 East Third Street
San Bernardino, California 92415-0061

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Desert – (760) 956-5001
Valley – (909) 387-8313

© San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department 2019. County of San Bernardino. All rights reserved.

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